Wilderness Hiking Trails at Beaver Lodge

Beaver Lodge has a well marked hiking trail for those inclined to see some beautiful views and flora and fauna. It starts at the main lodge, close to the generator building and heads generally north into the spruce and pine trees there. The trail takes you through the forest, around a small unnamed lake (it's not visible along this part of the trail), generally SE to Anderson Lake. About 1/3 of the way there, you will ascend to two rocky outlooks; the first is at 1721 ft elevation. The second one is at 1733 ft elevation and if you look west you will see the rapids running from the small unnamed lake into Lower Foster Lake If you look close through the opening, you'll notice the flags that fly at Beaver Lodge. A perfect place to snap a picture! As you near the end of the hiking trail you'll hear the rapids that empty from Anderson Lake into the unnamed lake. A little further on you can view the rapids and stand on the shore of the unnamed lake.

The Anderson trail has some challenging climbs and slippery rocks when wet, so I wouldn't recommend a hike immediately after a rain, but lovely at any other time. It's about a 40 minute walk there and back. (You come back the same way you went). In June the Labrador Tea, Bog laurel, Moss cranberry, Blueberry, Dewberry, Kinnikinnick and Pink Lady Slippers are in full bloom. You'll be amazed at the different types of moss at any time and the various mushrooms during July, August and September. Mid summer brings flowers of all different kinds and colors. Be sure to use insect repellent and good hiking shoes. A bear whistle or a bit of noisy conversation along the way is always a good idea; however we have yet to encounter a bear. Follow the colored flag tapes tied to the trees and always look for the next one before you lose sight of the last one.
